Eging Solar Monokristallin
Monocrystalline Eging Modules are based on EGing's solar cells, which on average achieve 17% efficiency.
The vertically integrated business model allows for consistently strict quality control from receipt to finished module.

- EGM Series datasheet
- Eging EGM 185 185 Watt datasheet
- Eging EGM 190 190 Watt datasheet
- Eging EGM 195 195 Watt datasheet
- Eging EGM 200 200 Watt datasheet
- EGM Series AR datasheet
- Eging EGM 190 AR 190 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EGM 195 AR 195 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EGM 200 AR 200 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 200 M48-C 200 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 205 M48-C 205 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 210 M48-C 210 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 215 M48-C 215 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 220 M48-C 220 Watt datasheet
- EG-(Series)M60-C datasheet
- Eging EG 235 M60-C 235 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 240 M60-C 240 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 245 M60-C 245 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 250 M60-C 250 Watt datasheet
- EG-(Series)M60-C AR datasheet
- Eging EG 235 M60-C AR 235 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 240 M60-C AR 240 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 245 M60-C AR 245 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 250 M60-C AR 250 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- EG-(Series)M60-C AR datasheet
- Eging EG 270 M60-C AR 270 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 275 M60-C AR 275 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 280 M60-C AR 280 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
- Eging EG 285 M60-C AR 285 Watt Coated Glass datasheet
Available power of the modules: 185-200W, 190-200W, 235-250W, 270-285W

Eging Solar Multicrystalline
EGing relies on partnerships with leading manufacturers of photovoltaic production systems for manufacturing technology and know-how. All employees working in production must pass a rigorous selection process as part of their qualification and undergo continuous training. Qualified personnel and internationally standardized quality management make it possible to produce highly efficient modules with consistently high quality at competitive costs.
- EG-(Series)P60-C datasheet
- Eging EG 235 P60-C 235 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 240 P60-C 240 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 245 P60-C 245 Watt datasheet
- EG-(Series)P60-C AR datasheet
- Eging EG 235 P60-C AR 235 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 240 P60-C AR 240 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 245 P60-C AR 245 Watt datasheet
- Eging EG 250 P60-C AR 250 Watt datasheet
- EG-(Series)P60-C-DG datasheet
- Eging EG 230 P60-C-DG 230 Watt Datenblatt Glas-Glas-Solarmodule
- Eging EG 235 P60-C-DG 235 Watt Datenblatt Glas-Glas-Solarmodule
- Eging EG 240 P60-C-DG 240 Watt Datenblatt Glas-Glas-Solarmodule
- Eging EG 245 P60-C-DG 245 Watt Datenblatt Glas-Glas-Solarmodule
Available power of the modules: 235-245W, 235-250W