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+49 (0) 5382 - 955 979 - 0

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Long-lasting PV systems with components

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Use the power of the sun!

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Each Module, sustainable quality

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Solar funds

Solar funds are a particularly valuable alternative to traditional financial products for forward-looking and environmentally conscious investors. Unlike traditional forms of investment, however, solar funds meet the high ecological, sustainable and ethical demands of many investors. Social aspects are also taken into account in this form of assessment. An investment in a solar fund is considered by financial professionals to be a solid and reliable form of financial investment. The yield of the invested capital results from a harmonious interaction of different parameters.

Due to its many years of experience with economically lucrative large-scale projects, AEET Energy Group GmbH enjoys a high reputation within the photovoltaic industry. Financially successful and at the same time reliably working large projects justify the outstanding success of the company in this sector.

The financial experts of the AEET Energy Group GmbH are available to industrial investors, private investors and interested parties at any time for a personal consultation. In the course of this conversation, the experts will gladly inform you about current major projects as well as about projects that are currently in the planning stage.

If a photovoltaic system is erected and connected to the public electricity grid, the legal situation guarantees a fixed price for every single kilowatt hour of electrical energy that the plant produces. The price that can be achieved for this electricity is known as the feed-in tariff. The legislature regulates the amount of the feed-in tariff in the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG). At the same time, the amount of this remuneration is also legally anchored. It is guaranteed by the state for a period of 20 years.

This legally guaranteed by the state guarantees the investment in a solar fund a very safe and extremely low-risk character.

Predictable development
From a technical point of view, photovoltaics is today one of the most reliable and solid ways of generating energy. The solar power plants are technically fully developed, achieve the highest yield values and have an extremely low maintenance requirement. In addition, decades of experience in this field allow for accurate forecasts of the expected amount of energy that can be produced in the coming decades using the unlimited power of the sun.

These factors add to the high safety of a solar fund. Due to the constant technical development of the individual components, it can be assumed that the yields of the individual solar power plants will continue to rise steadily in the future.

In general, solar funds bundle the investments of various investors to invest the resulting total in photovoltaic projects. The spectrum of the respective solar power plants ranges from smaller, regionally oriented projects to large-scale solar power plants. Therefore, this form of investment offers a suitable project for each investor and can also be adapted individually to the respective goals of the investor.

While in recent years large investor groups have mainly invested in this form of investment, private investors have recently recognized the enormous potential of this highly lucrative industry. As expected, this trend has intensified in recent years and will continue in this direction in the future.

Closed and open solar funds
As with any fund product, the financial market also distinguishes between closed and open funds for solar funds.

For a closed-end solar fund, the number of available shares of the relevant fund is limited from the beginning. The Fund will be closed at the moment when the predefined number of participations is sold and the corresponding equity ratio of the solar fund is reached. The investor agrees to a clearly defined period and in return receives long-term oriented collateral. Until now, it was customary that the shares in closed solar funds could not be sold by an investor during the agreed time. In the recent past, however, secondary markets developed on the financial market. There, shares in closed-end funds are subjected to a strict valuation and can be offered there by the investor at the current market price for a further sale.

For an open solar fund, there is no limit to the number of shares offered for sale on the financial market. An increase in the available capital of the open-ended fund will be possible in this case by placing additional fund units on the market and offering them for sale. For the investor, this means that he can offer the corresponding shares in the solar fund at any time on the stock exchange for resale. The valuation of the corresponding fund units is based on the daily updated stock market price.

Adresse: Schwarzer Weg 5 D-37581 Bad Gandersheim, Deutschland
Telefon: +49 (0) 5382 - 955 979 0, Telefax: +49 (0) 5382 - 955 979 9, E-Mail:
Your competent service partner for alternative and renewable energy, technology and more! Repair, maintenance, care or replication of solar modules - Individual offers for business and private customers, for operators, investors, manufacturers and insurances. Benefit from experts with many years of experience in the photovoltaic sector!


Do you have any questions about our products? We are there for you by e-mail or telephone.
Or use our Contact Form.

AEET Energy Group GmbH
Lichtenstein 11
D-37581 Bad Gandersheim

Phone: 05382 - 955 979 - 0
Fax: 05382 - 955 979 - 9
