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Fronius grid-connected inverters
Solar energy is converted into electricity and fed into the public grid. At the heart of every PV system are efficient, reliable and powerful inverters. In the development of PV inverters, Fronius has rethought technologies, searched for innovative solutions and found entirely new answers. The result: Highly functional, grid-connected inverters that work well with all solar modules.

Fronius ECO Wechselrichter

Fronius Symo
The small three-phase inverter for maximum flexibility.

Fronius Galvo
The future-proof inverter for small self-consumption systems.

Fronius IG Plus
Reliable, versatile all-round inverter. A new concept brings maximum yields. In any weather.

Fronius IG TL
The first transformerless PV inverters with standard system monitoring for maximum yield security.

Fronius IG
Extensively equipped grid-connected inverters for all plant sizes.

Fronius IG Wechselrichter

Fronius Agilo
3-phase central inverter with revolutionary transport and installation system.

Fronius CL
PV central inverter with Fronius MIX ™ concept. A modular system brings maximum yield.

Fronius Power Inverter

Fronius ECO Wechselrichter

Fronius PRIMO Wechselrichter

Fronius IG PLUS Wechselrichter

Fronius SYMO Wechselrichter


Do you have any questions about our products? We are there for you by e-mail or telephone.
Or use our Contact Form.

AEET Energy Group GmbH
Lichtenstein 11
D-37581 Bad Gandersheim

Phone: 05382 - 955 979 - 0
Fax: 05382 - 955 979 - 9



Fronius International GmbH, with headquarters in Pettenbach, Austria, covers three major divisions. These are the areas of solar electronics, battery charging systems and welding technology. Founded in 1945, the company concentrated in the first decades of its existence on the areas of welding technology and battery charging systems. Nearly 50 years later, Fronius International GmbH launched its third division, solar electronics.

The focus of Fronius International GmbH is clearly on the topics of photovoltaics and battery charging systems, although the division generally deals with the overall issue of environment and energy. Already in the first years of the existence of the new company division, Fronius International GmbH was able to launch its first grid-connected inverter for the photovoltaic industry. Shortly thereafter followed the development of another inverter, which was specially designed for use in off-grid systems. At the time, Fronius International GmbH was already regarded as an innovative leading company in the industry and was able to successfully take this good reputation into the newly founded division. Numerous awards and certificates confirm the high technical standard of Fronius International GmbH products.

Today, Fronius International GmbH has several locations in Austria and can also rely on a well-developed sales network on an international level. Sales subsidiaries of Fronius International GmbH are located in Germany, Italy, Great Britain, France, Norway, Spain, Slovakia and numerous other European countries. Outside Europe, Fronius International GmbH is represented in the USA, Canada, Mexico and Brazil, among others.

As a family business, Fronius International GmbH has managed to reach the top of the world market. Traditionally, supported by the now global network, customer service and customer support are among the most important pillars of Fronius International GmbH. The extensive range of training courses, a dedicated board replacement concept or the Fronius service case are valued throughout the entire photovoltaic industry and are enjoying great popularity.

The product range of Fronius International GmbH in this area includes transformerless inverters, transformer inverters, central inverters as well as the appropriate system monitoring systems. This makes it possible for Fronius International GmbH to equip photovoltaic systems of all types and sizes with suitable inverters. The products of Fronius International GmbH achieve an efficiency of over 98 percent.

A special feature of the inverters is the innovative design of the devices. The connection part and the power unit are two separate components. This means a considerable facilitation and acceleration of the service work. Equally unique is the ventilation concept of the inverters. Fronius International GmbH relies on a concept that strictly separates the air taken in from outside from the electronic components inside the inverters. Longevity, reliability and user-friendly handling are further quality features of these inverters.

Information about inverter repair is available here.