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Senec IES

SENEC.Home G2 is an AC-guided energy storage, whose charging electronics are optimally matched to the included lead-acid battery (20 KWh).

    SCN Energy Solarmodule

    They use industry-proven technology!

  • Lead is robust, deep cycle and well available. Lead-acid batteries are used in hospitals for emergency generators of life-support systems or used in forklifts. Lead-acid batteries reach a lifetime of 10 years in the industry under extreme conditions and can be recycled without any problems. The SENEC.Home rechargeable battery will also be renewed after 10 years using a simple deposit system, after continuously providing more than 70% self-consumption per year.

Your system is flexible!

  • AC-controlled systems are connected to multiple sources, including the network. This not only makes your system more user-friendly, but also improves the performance of the battery: if a battery (for example in winter) does not receive power for more than three days, its capacity decreases by 10%. The AC-guided charging management of SENEC.Home prevents this with automatic safety charges. A major advantage of AC-guided systems is the good compatibility with PV inverters. The SENEC.Home is 100% retrofit-capable for existing systems and can be retrofitted without intervention in the PV system.
SCN Energy Solarmodule
SCN Energy Solarmodule


Do you have any questions about our products? We are there for you by e-mail or telephone.
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AEET Energy Group GmbH
Lichtenstein 11
D-37581 Bad Gandersheim

Phone: 05382 - 955 979 - 0
Fax: 05382 - 955 979 - 9


Senec IES / SENEC.Home

SENEC.IES / SENEC.Home is a joint brand of SOLON Energy GmbH, Berlin, and Deutsche Energieversorgung GmbH, Leipzig. While the Solon Group has already made a name for itself as one of the largest European solar module producers and suppliers of solar system technology for large-scale plants, the start-up Deutsche Energieversorgung is new to the international market with its participation in SENEC.IES / SENEC.Home , The cooperation has good reasons: the innovative storage system from Leipzig completes the Solon product range in the "intelligent energy management" division, and the partner from central Germany can still contribute a lot to sales.

Through the subsidiaries of Solon in Germany, Italy, France and in the USA, where about 800 employees are employed, the efficient storage system from Saxony can start its triumphal march around the world.

"Deutsche Energieversorgung GmbH" is actually a planning office for photovoltaic systems, which started operations in 2009. But the team led by managing director Mathias Hammer does a lot more than optimally structure foreign components. Innovative solutions quickly became the trademark of Deutsche Energieversorgung GmbH. In addition, the young company activated an old German virtue: every employee of Deutsche Energieversorgung GmbH stands with his person for the quality of the offer. In November 2010, the company launched its own solar energy storage system SENEC.Home, which was installed around 80 times throughout Germany within one year. Solon Energy GmbH was the ideal partner for the project to use it on an international scale. Since November 2011, the optimized variant SENEC.IES has been produced, distributed and assembled together.

The idea behind SENEC.IES is as simple as it is practical: To make it easier for solar system operators to get into storage technology, the lead-acid battery principle has been optimized to be more than 100% cheaper than lithium-ion storage technology is. The key lies in the regenerative handling associated with SENEC.IES. This achieves a life cycle that is just as long for the traditional lead-acid battery variant that only the new lithium technology can otherwise realize. With SENEC.IES, solar storage becomes profitable from day one.